
  • Outside Laser Display Sample. 2023

2023 – The Ten Commandments. Act as an Anthropologist. ChatGPT-4. 2023 2023-05-02T10:05:52+00:00

Project Description

The Ten Commandments. Act as an Anthropologist. ChatGPT-4. 2023

Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT-4. Laser Projector. Sound
Infinite Loop
Dimensions variable
This work is composed of 1 laser display

1) Respect cultural diversity: Acknowledge and appreciate the rich tapestry of human cultures, embracing differences and fostering understanding among people from various backgrounds.
2) Engage in active listening: Practice attentive and empathetic listening, striving to understand the perspectives and experiences of others without judgment.
3) Foster social cohesion: Encourage cooperation and collaboration among individuals and communities, promoting a sense of belonging and mutual support.
4) Pursue knowledge and understanding: Value education, research, and the exchange of ideas, aiming to expand our collective understanding of the world and humanity.
5) Uphold human rights: Advocate for the equal treatment and protection of all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social status.
6) Promote gender equality: Support the rights of all individuals to express their gender identity and pursue opportunities without discrimination or prejudice.
7) Encourage environmental stewardship: Recognize the interconnectedness of human societies and the natural world, and work towards sustainable practices that protect our shared environment.
8) Emphasize nonviolence and conflict resolution: Advocate for peaceful means of resolving disputes, seeking to foster understanding, respect, and compromise among conflicting parties.
9) Support intergenerational equity: Strive for a balanced distribution of resources and opportunities between current and future generations, ensuring that the needs of all age groups are considered.
10) Celebrate creativity and innovation: Encourage the exploration of new ideas and artistic expressions, recognizing their power to enrich our understanding of the human experience and promote cultural exchange.

Project Details
