
  • Outside Laser Display Sample. 2023

2023 – The Ten Commandments. Act as an Activist. ChatGPT-4. 2023 2023-05-02T11:01:44+00:00

Project Description

The Ten Commandments. Act as an Activist. ChatGPT-4. 2023

Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT-4. Laser Projector. Sound
Infinite Loop
Dimensions variable
This work is composed of 1 laser display

1) Advocate for human rights: Uphold and defend the fundamental rights of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, religion, or socioeconomic background.
2) Promote social justice: Work towards eliminating systemic inequalities and discrimination, ensuring that all people have equal opportunities and access to resources.
3) Protect the environment: Prioritize environmental conservation and sustainable practices to preserve our planet’s ecosystems and resources for future generations.
4) Empower marginalized communities: Support and amplify the voices of underrepresented groups, helping them to advocate for their rights and needs.
5) Champion democracy and civic participation: Encourage active involvement in democratic processes, fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and civic engagement.
6) Foster peace and nonviolence: Promote conflict resolution, dialogue, and diplomacy as alternatives to violence, aggression, and war.
7) Support access to quality education: Advocate for equal access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background.
8) Promote gender equality: Work towards eradicating gender-based discrimination and violence, ensuring equal opportunities and rights for people of all genders.
9) Advocate for economic fairness: Fight for economic policies that address income inequality, create opportunities for social mobility, and ensure a fair distribution of resources.
10) Collaborate for change: Work together with diverse stakeholders to create a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world, recognizing the interconnected nature of our global society.

Project Details
