Various Art Mediums i m Involved with 2024-05-08T19:03:54+00:00

What is new is our representation (Medium) of the representation itself (Art)

” In reference to the medium in art, I strongly believe that in the long term it is the medium that often says more “
” Being willing to enter into a “virtual” representation is similar to announcing the post-human era “

Art Mediums i’m involved with :
xSculpture, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Photography (in the form of an Edition of Photographs), xCeramics, Drawbot,
Laser Display, Neon, Computer Art, Computer Animation, In-Game Video, Game-Technology Video,
Photography, 3D Modeling Photography, In-Game Photography, Game-Technology Photography,
Interactive Installation.


010 2021 365 La petite danseuse virtuelle 001 1 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
005 002 SculptureB - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
005 002 SculptureA - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Artificial Intelligence

2023 370 AgbAI IG V027 000 12001200 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
008 003 Artificial Intelligence - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
013 004 Artificial Intelligence - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
010 e AgbAI IG V026 000 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Virtual Photography
(in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

010 a 2023 The Museum of HomoSapiens 2023 June 07 000 12001200 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
001 003 Virtual Photography - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
001 004 Virtual Photography - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
070 2021 180 Art of the XXICentury II 000 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with


EH Game of Expressions Ceramics 001 C - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

DrawBot. (Drawing by Robot)

080 002 Drawbot - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
014 003 Drawbot - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with
014 004 Drawbot - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Neon, Speech Synthesis


045 002 Photography 1 - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

3D Modeling Photography
(in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

020 002 3D Modeling Photographyc - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Computer Art
(in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

Sign of God Fractal Geometry II 002 C - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Computer Animation

In-Game Photography
(in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

070 002 In Game Photography - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

In-Game Video

Game-Technology Photography
(in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

Virtual Land Art V1 Triptych N°1 002 12000719 C - Various Art Mediums i m Involved with

Game-Technology Video

Interactive Installation

Interactive 360° Panorama – (Left Mouse Button)

Interactive Installation

Interactive 360° Panorama – (Left Mouse Button)

Interactive Installation