Project Description

ArtMapping N°001. Souvenirs from Earth: Human Scroll
ArtMapping is a medium that transforms the act of exhibition-making into an autonomous artistic practice. Beyond simply grouping artworks according to curatorial logic or individually highlighting them, it creates a spatial and relational language in which artworks, viewers, and mediation unite into a single dynamic composition.
It involves carefully designing interactions between artworks and viewers, facilitated by a mediator whose active presence becomes essential in guiding perception, constructing meaning, and driving the dynamics of interaction.
Materials / Technical Support
The exhibition space is initialized with an initial series of prints/wallpapers, serving as a foundation for dialogue.
A mediation space allows visitors to contribute by sharing digital fragments.
These contents are selected, assembled by software, then printed in A4 or A3 format and given to the participants.
Finally, artificial intelligence is used to enlarge and transform these compositions into mural frescoes.
Each new contribution enriches the structure of the installation, which evolves over time.
Implementation Process
– Initialization: The exhibition space opens with an initial series of prints/wallpapers, serving as a foundation for dialogue.
– Mediation: Conducted by a mediator guiding visitors through the process.
– Screenshot capture and assembly: Managed by the mediator using the open-source software provided by the artist.
– Print formatting (A4 or A3): Managed by the mediator using the open-source software provided by the artist.
– Each exchange is printed and given to the participant.
– A specific mention referencing the action will be added.
– Enlargement by artificial intelligence: Processed through dedicated open-source software.
– WallPaper printing: Pigment-based latex printing on Pre-Pasted Satin Premium Wallpaper 225g, in a format adapted to the exhibition space.
– Each new contribution enriches the structure of the installation, which evolves over time.
– Artist Participation: If the partner wishes, the artist may be involved in the action and project support.
Questionnaire for the Spectator / Participant
Consent to Participate in the Collective Action
As part of the “Souvenirs from Earth: Human Scroll” protocol, we aim to create a collective fresco using screenshots from social networks.
These digital contents will be transformed into variable-sized artworks, adapted to the exhibition space, and gradually displayed within it.
1. Understanding and Agreement
Have you fully understood the project and had the opportunity to ask all your questions?
Answer: Yes / No
Do you agree to allow screenshots from your social network to be used in this action?
Answer: Yes / No
2. Selection of Shared Content
On which social network(s) would you like to share your content?
Answer: Instagram / Facebook / Twitter/X / Other (specify)
What types of content would you like to share?
Answer: General posts / Personal photographs / Text-based screenshots (e.g., tweets, posts) / Other (specify)
Would you like to anonymize certain parts of your screenshots?
Answer: Yes, mask names/faces. / No, use as is.
3. Exhibition Conditions and Acknowledgment
Do you understand that your screenshots will be transformed into public artworks accessible to all?
Answer: Yes / No
Would you like to be credited as a contributor to this action?
Answer: Yes (Specify name or pseudonym) / No
Do you have any specific restrictions or requests regarding the use of your content?
Answer: Yes (specify) / No