About :
I am a visual artist living and working in France, integrating innovative technologies at the core of my creative approach.
My work explores the evolution of the human species and anticipates the mutations of artistic creation by harnessing the potential of these technologies.
Through mediums such as artificial intelligence, sculpture resulting from a hybrid process between digital and material, virtual photography, 3D modeling, digital art, painting and drawing by Robot, I create immersive works that question our era and its transformations to come.
A central piece of my practice, The Museum of HomoSapiens, presents itself as an “Imaginary Museum”, a collection of “scientifically” cataloged relics, a critical reflection of contemporary Western society and its future. (Ref. The Encyclopedia by Diderot and d’Alembert).
Artificial Intelligence in Art: Appropriation or Creation?
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in art introduces a new dimension to the debate on appropriation versus creation. AI-generated art, created through algorithms that reinterpret existing images and styles, raises important questions about authorship in the digital age. The artist becomes not just a creator but a curator of “Inputs” guiding algorithms to produce new visual forms. AI, far from being a passive tool of replication, acts as an active agent of transformation and innovation.
When AI generates new artworks from pre-existing images, each act of repetition introduces differences. In this way, AI’s creative process becomes one of synthesis rather than imitation. The resulting works are not mere copies but reconfigurations of visual languages with novel patterns, interpretations, and aesthetic possibilities. AI-generated art, therefore, expands the conversation around creativity, positioning itself as a contributor to cultural production rather than a threat to human originality.
In today’s digitally mediated world, AI-generated art reflects the complexity and interconnectedness of our reality. Just as 20th-century appropriation art responded to mechanical image reproduction, AI art responds to the digital circulation of data, ideas, and aesthetics. It reflects a world where authorship is diffuse and creativity is increasingly collaborative across human and non-human actors. AI art thus embodies the societal shift toward hybridization, blurring boundaries between the original and derivative, human and machine.
Artificial Intelligence: Oracle?
One particularly fascinating, and perhaps unsettling, aspect of AI in art is its potential for prophecy. AI seems to tap into cultural patterns in ways that allow it to anticipate future trends. Its ability to create works that resonate with emerging societal currents suggests that AI may act as a kind of oracle, offering glimpses into the future. Though we don’t understand how or why this happens, AI’s role in art is not just creative but predictive, challenging us to rethink the nature of time, art, and evolution.
TTY. 2024
The role of art is not to express the personality but to overcome it. T.S. Eliot.
Art, in its many forms, does not simply serve as a conduit for personal emotions,
but as a transcendent medium, it is a stepping stone towards greater universal truths.
TTY. 2023
It is the End.
It is the End of HomoSapiens.
The world has already seen five major extinctions,
And now,
There will be another.
Climatologists, bacteriologists, demographers, physicists, immunologists, transhumanists, …
The conclusion is consistent.
HomoSapiens will soon vanish from the Earth.
No matter how the End will come, environmental disaster, pandemics, unbreathable air, undrinkable water, famine, nuclear winter, strong AI, …
Or some combination of them all.
Relatively soon, the Earth will purge itself of HomoSapiens.
There have been HomoHabilis, HomoErgaster, HomoErectus, HomoNeanderthalensis, …
There will be a Post-HomoSapiens.
TTY. 2021

This was HomoSapiens. The first 9 cities that ran out of drinking water. São Paulo, Bangalore, Beijing, Cairo, Jakarta, Moscow, Istanbul, Mexico, London.
Satellite HeightMaps, Virtual Photography
Digigraphie mounted on Dibond
FMuseum : W 333 cm x H 333 cm
This work is composed of 9 images W 111 cm x H 111 cm arranged in a 3 x 3 array
“ My work is about the announcement of a new Renaissance; a new Renaissance related to HomoSapiens, that refers to the work on genetics by Craig Venter’s scientific teams, who designed and manufactured the first living cell using a computer (may 2010), a new Renaissance for art practices enabled by the use of digital tools ”
TTY. 2012
As far as the future of photography is concerned, from the little that we can extract from a reduced perspective of a “lens based” practice and all the redundancy linked to it, the future will be even brighter. As in the myth, once we open Pandora’s box, it will be impossible to stem the flow …
“And yet the decisive thing about photography is the relationship of the photographer to his technique”. Walter Benjamin.
TTY. 2016
(Photography – Virtual Photography – 3D Modeling Photography – In-Game Photography – Game-Technology Photography – Artificial Intelligence Photography, …, in the form of an Edition of Photographs)

This was HomoSapiens. Killer Teens. (Boys)
2021. Virtual Photography
W 600 cm x H 600 cm : 9 images W 200 cm x H 200 cm arranged in a 3 x 3 array
The Museum of HomoSapiens :
In this vision of Future, HomoSapiens as as we know them, tied to Nature, the City and Time, thus being mortal and with natural needs, has disappeared. The Reserve Rooms of this Museum represent a testimony of his customs and life staged in an idealistic tableau.
TTY. 2010

This was HomoSapiens. Post Apocalypse. Image N°1/9
2022. Virtual Photography
W 600 cm x H 600 cm : 9 images W 200 cm x H 200 cm arranged in a 3 x 3 array
Art Mediums i’m involved with :
What is new is our representation (Medium) of the representation itself (Art).
In reference to the medium in art, I strongly believe that in the long term it is the medium that often says more.
Being willing to enter into a “virtual” representation is similar to announcing the post-human era.
Selected Artworks :
2025 – ArtMapping N°003. Founding Principles of a Non-Human Intelligence
2025 – The Ten Commandments. Act as an Anthropologist. ChatGPT-4o. 2025
2025 – The Ten Commandments. Act as a Philosopher. ChatGPT-4o. 2025
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V131. I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art – But I Will Make It Delicious
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V129. The age of AI has begun. (Medicine. I)
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V125. The age of AI has begun. (Sex Toys. I)
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V124
2024 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V115
2024 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V114
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V112. The age of AI has begun. (Weapons. II)
2025 – Art generated by Artificial Intelligence. Image Generator. V108. The age of AI has begun. (Architecture. I)
DataBase of Artworks :
This corpus constitutes a continuously evolving database of artistic works.
Each piece, whether an image, a sculpture, a ceramic, a drawing or a painting created by a robot, is designed for large-scale formats.
Created through processes of automation, these works adapt to any spatial configuration.
Depending on the chosen theme or curatorial narrative, it becomes possible to compose exhibitions specifically conceived for each space.
This project follows in the legacy of Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie.
Where the 18th century worked to map human knowledge in the form of a printed encyclopedia,
this collection brings together visual artworks that reflect and document our era.